How to...get your delegates and sponsors to mingle!

Imagine the scene: you've secured sponsors, their logos are everywhere, and eager salespeople with branded pens and lanyards are waiting. The curtain rises, delegates arrive...only to sprint past your eager exhibitors, seeking refuge in the catering haven. Sound familiar? The pit in your commercial stomach deepens as you brace for another round of awkward conversations. “Events don’t work, you just don’t get the engagement!”

The sponsorship-delegate engagement struggle is real. But before we throw in the towel, let's explore how to tackle this issue. Let’s understand some of the reasons why it’s difficult to talk.

Stranger danger – we’ve been told from a young age not to talk to strangers or take sweets from them! Fast forward to an event hall, and it's full of strangers trying to lure you with treats!  It’s in our DNA to say no!

Unwanted distraction - associations pour their heart into serving their members' causes, celebrating this excellent work at the annual conference. However, some see sponsorship as a cheapening distraction, fearing it dilutes the valuable content. This mindset creates a barrier to mutually beneficial partnerships.

Attracting senior audiences is tough. They value their time and expect curated experiences at events. The thought of enthusiastic ill-targeted approaches feels like timewasting, pushing them further away. They seek genuine solutions, not just a sales barrage.

So, is it a lost cause? As organisers, what can we do? Are the cards stacked against us and should we just we hope for moments of serendipity?

Shifting the mindset for delegates

As members, delegates understand the association's mission and support its purpose. Many are business owners themselves and appreciate the need to balance the books. Throughout the year, weave in messaging about how events and fees contribute to this goal. Spell out the benefits they receive: affordable fees, top-notch speakers, venues, catering, and networking opportunities. Highlight how these contribute to the association's impact and value for all members, ultimately keeping event costs subsidised.

Reframing the sponsor experience

Let's face it, the "sponsor/exhibitor" label often gets perceived as a sideshow, adding little value to the content delegates seek. But remember, Saturday night TV relies on ads, right? So, let's embrace the commercial element and shift the narrative. Ditch the outdated terms and reframe them as industry experts, knowledge partners, and solution providers.

Why? Because these commercial partners have seen the problems delegates face countless times. They offer real-life experience and solutions that can truly benefit attendees. By positioning them as valuable resources, we not only elevate their perception but we align them as an integral part of the event.

Turning integration into interaction

Simply changing names won't magically spark engagement. We need to create opportunities for sponsors to showcase their expertise in approachable ways. Forget lengthy sales pitches that send delegates diving to check work emails!

Here's how to integrate sponsors seamlessly into your event:

Embrace the short & sweet

Think "elevator pitch", not "epic novel." Leverage the popularity of social media "reels" with short, engaging sessions scattered throughout the event. Set up "campfire" or "micro" stages near catering spots for bite-sized presentations during breaks. A facilitator can ask key questions that highlight the core offering and its problem-solving potential.

Let stories sell

Pre-arrange compelling case studies with sponsors. Keep it brief (10-15 minutes) with a solution provider and their customer interviewed by a conference producer. Uncover the problem, process, and solution, then record, transcribe, and share it on social media for wider reach.

Matchmaking magic

We have a goldmine of data - registration information! It tells us who has problems that need solving, but name badges leave sponsors in the dark. Encourage delegates to connect with solution providers through playful methods like gamified scavenger hunts in the exhibition hall or to gather over targeted topic tables over lunch.


Let's face it, turning a sea of "no thanks" into enthusiastic engagement can seem daunting. But remember, sponsors aren't just strangers offering sweets. They're industry experts, knowledge partners, and solution providers waiting to connect. And with a few strategic shifts, you can create an event where delegates and sponsors thrive together.


How to...improve your expo through member profiling