Unleash your event's potential: Our comprehensive services.

Our services

Unleash Your Event's Revenue Potential: A Four-Step “DESI” Approach

Tired of underachieving event revenue? We get it. That's why we offer a proven framework to help event organisers like you maximise their earnings. Our approach is built on four key pillars: Discovery, Explore, Shape, and Implement.

Discovery Package: Unearthing Revenue Opportunities (High-Level Deskbound Evaluation)

This package acts as your event's revenue compass. We'll delve into your existing offerings, analysing sponsorship packages, pricing strategies, and audience demographics. Together, we'll identify:

  • Sponsor Appeal: Does your audience represent a valuable demographic for potential sponsors?

  • Brand Extension Potential: Can your event concept be replicated or expanded to other geographical areas?

  • Competitive Landscape: Who are your competitors in the event space, and how can your event stand out?

Shape Package: Building a Compelling Sponsor Proposition

With insights gleaned from the Discovery and Explore phases, we'll craft a winning proposition for potential sponsors. Here's how we transform raw data into actionable strategies:

  • Value Creation: We translate attendee, sponsor, and exhibitor feedback into a compelling proposal that addresses the needs of your commercial partners.

  • Engagement Strategy Development: We design a strategic approach for engaging potential sponsors and showcasing the value you offer.

  • Develop and expand your prospect list: We identify potential customers from different sources who will value your proposition.

Explore Package: Validating Your Event Idea (Client/Prospect Calls & Research)

Here's where we put your vision to the test. Through client and prospect calls, along with in-depth research, we'll assess the viability of your event. This phase helps us solidify:

  • Event Relevance: Does your event concept truly serve the needs and interests of your target market?

  • Sponsor Value Proposition: How can sponsors leverage your event to achieve their marketing objectives?

  • Pricing Strategy Optimisation: Are your current pricing structures aligned with market expectations and competitor offerings?

Implementation Package: Sales & Operations for Growth (Deployment)

Now, let's turn your vision into reality. This final stage provides the resources you need to secure sponsors/exhibitors and deliver an event-producing ROI. We can help:

  • Sales Execution: Develop and execute a targeted sales strategy to reach high-value sponsors/exhibitors.

  • Risk share: We are open to joint venues to reduce the initial costs.

  • Operational Support: Outsource event elements you struggle with, ensuring smooth event delivery.

This modular approach provides the flexibility you need
— R.Cannon - Active Media Client
A fantastic presentation, It really opened my eyes to additional event revenue
— Confex visitor

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.