Beyond the Badge: Unlocking Revenue Through Audience Insights

Forget the logistics scramble – the secret to a commercially thriving event lies in truly knowing your audience.

Last year's ABPCO survey provides a treasure trove of attendee insights, but do we always leverage them effectively? Let's face it, we can get caught up in the "how" and lose sight of the most critical question: who are we bringing together?

Delegates aren't passive participants. They weigh the investment – time, cost, travel – against the potential gains. Understanding their job titles is a good start, but it's just the tip of the iceberg.

Here's the game-changer: the survey revealed a crucial fact – many organisers underestimate the purchasing power within their audience. But this "aha" moment unlocks a golden opportunity!  Sponsors and exhibitors aren't buying a generic crowd; they crave access to the Money Authority and Need (MAN) in the room.

The MAN represents the individuals with the buying power and the problems your event can solve. By delving deeper into your attendees' desires, motivations, and challenges, you unlock the true commercial value for sponsors.

The takeaway?  Understand the MAN, understand your audience's value proposition, and watch your event become a sponsorship magnet.


Pre- and Post-Event Value: Adding the Extra Fizz to Your Sponsors' Packages


How to...improve your expo through member profiling